
Pekumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia aims to create a vibrant community of OpenStreetMap contributors and users in Indonesia and provide a platform where members can exchange ideas and support each other. We have been developing the program to support and facilitate the open knowledge for the OSM Indonesia communities that we presented into four main activities, Fun Mapping, Mapping Talk, Mapathon and POI Academy.

Fun Mapping

Fun mapping is a live streaming activity (Zoom and YouTube) as a forum for conversations with the community in updating open mapping innovations and topics chosen and raised by the community. This activity is conducted every two weeks at 4.00 – 5.00 PM Jakarta time. Currently we have 756 members in OpenStreetMap Indonesia telegram with 41 active participants each day to disscuss and discover open mapping in Indonesia. We will discover and evaluate the priority topic from their enthusiastic to continue discuss and meet in fun mapping session. Stay tuned via our social media for this activity.

Mapping Talk

Mapping talk is a webinar activity that presents the open mapping for sustainable development and humanitarian action that integrate with OSM Indonesia community topic interest. We have been conducting the event with with NGO and community partners. This activity is open to communities who want to share knowledge and experience using OSM data and GIS innovations in open mapping. POI will facilitate the media promotion,  webinar platform, training toolkit preparation and sharing with our networking partners. We also presented the Community Meet-Up in each year to meet directly the community that we can share open knowledge and impact for the community members.


We build the OSM Indonesia community equally to increase and update open geospatial data with OSM that up-to-date, high quality data,  comprehensive map data of vulnerable area. Through this program, we engage with external partners to leverage the use and creation of open data for sustainability projects. We collaborate with partners to conduct the mapping party to volunteer mapper and advance mapper, and priority the mapping for disaster response and climate resilience.

POI Academy

Establishing, strengthening, and supporting the local community in Indonesia through mapping and training activities. POI has worked with the government, local community, companies, NGOs, and international organizations to use OSM to enable data innovation in urban and rural development sectors. POI conducts more than 250 training development sessions in 31 provinces in Indonesia with 6.000 participants from 2012 to 2023. POI has collected the 28.134.637 buildings and 1.421.199 km of roads in Indonesia using OpenStreetMap. We created and prepared the training curriculum and material using several open mapping tools and GIS analysis. We develop the training package to open the collaboration with the partners that need the geospatial data and information.

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