Our Mission
Melalui analisa keruangan, kami memiliki tujuan untuk menghasilkan informasi yang akurat, terbuka, serta dapat diakses oleh masyarakat
Kami berupaya untuk menjangkau serta mengembangkan kapasitas bagi masyarakat dari berbagai sektor seperti akar rumput (grassroots), komunitas open-source, dan universitas sebagai agen perubahan
Melalui penggunaan perangkat lunak yang bebas dan terbuka Kami berkomitmen untuk menghasilkan kualitas data yang baik dan relevan dalam menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat
Pekumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia aims to create a vibrant community of OpenStreetMap contributors and users in Indonesia and provide a platform where members can exchange ideas and support each other.
In the coming years, we hope to map the country fully on OpenStreetMap and strongly advocate for its use within different groups. This can only be done sustainably by mapping while applying OSM to create solutions we face locally.
Through collaboration projects, we will create an open and diverse community of OpenStreetMap contributors in Indonesia, develop and support local initiatives that are aimed at improving OpenStreetMap in Indonesia, and promote the use of open data, including OpenStreetMap and FOSS in Indonesia. We hope to engage with different organizations, communities and government institutions as we continue to grow.
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is an international non-profit organization that focuses on humanitarian action and capacity building through free and open mapping platform, OpenStreetMap.
In 2011, HOT started a project in Indonesia (HOT Indonesia) with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of spatial data for disaster risk reduction in Indonesia and building a local OpenStreetMap community.
Data Manager - The Center for Humanitarian Team
Strategy & Partnerships Manager - Gojek
CBDRM Lead Advisor - Palladium​