The growth of OSM data undoubtedly offers numerous advantages through community collaboration. However, it comes at the cost of data quality, resulting in inconsistencies due to the absence of standardized mapping guidelines. These problems arise from various factors, including contributors lacking local knowledge or changes in the real world that have not been reflected in the maps. Consequently, the type of errors in OSM data varies from region to region. Indonesia, for instance, identified approximately 686,000 errors in its OSM data in the last six months, ranging from overlapping buildings to duplicate geometry. To rectify these issues and maintain data quality, Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia (POI) and TomTom joined forces to advocate for the importance of OSM data quality in Indonesia. To continue the collaboration and our commitment to addressing data quality issues in Indonesia, we conducted the mapping party 2.0 on 14 June 2024 workshop and competition.
We discovered the building data in Indonesia and selected the specific geometry correction and identified buildings in the OSM data. After we found the warnings, we created the mapping challenge on the MapRoulette website so that participants could be involved in the mapping event. MapRoulette is a micro-task platform for OpenStreetMap. gives you small Tasks you can complete in under a minute to improve OpenStreetMap. Anyone can create groups of tasks, called Challenges, that the community can complete together.
Accurate maps are vital for various applications concerning urban planning, emergency response, and navigation services. This collaborative effort requires a review and possible geometry correction, as the challenge identifies buildings with potential issues due to their unusual shape. It aims to improve the data quality, accuracy, and aesthetics of OpenStreetMap, making it a more valuable resource for a wide range of users and applications.

Indonesia – Fix Spiky Building
The number of registered in the event was 51 participants with 31,4% women and 68,6% men from the OSM Indonesia and OSM India Community in general with basic and experienced OSM knowledge. In the webinar, we introduce the map roulette and practice how we can be involved in the mapping competition. The mapping competition will be run in two weeks and using the platform. For more details about the workshop, we can visit this link

Group Photo in the Webinar
The results of the competition were 14 participants involved and 29.179 total edits, we selected the winners of the top three with the most building edits in the challenge.