Call for Proposal: Community Meet Up 2022

Community Meet Up 2022

Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia (Indonesian OpenStreetMap Association) or POI is a non-profit organization focused on capacity development for people and sustainable development through the open-mapping platform, OpenStreetMap. Since 2011, we provide various training and mapping activities in Indonesia.

Community are playing a crucial role in the development of OpenStreetMap data in Indonesia. Since the restriction caused by COVID-19 in early 2020, this year in 2022 POI want to hold a hybrid Community Meet Up event together with all OSM Community in Indonesia. Our grand theme of this event is ‘Building Sustainable OSM Community in Indonesia’.

Through this event, we hope that all OSM community in Indonesia could gather, share, and learn from each other about their experiences and knowledge in OpenStreetMap. We do hope to build a good relationship between POI and OSM community in Indonesia by promoting a great opportunity for them to grow through the Booster Grant project supported by Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific.


  • Being a discussion and sharing forum for OSM community in Indonesia and building strong relationships among other community
  • Open collaboration for the community through the Booster Grant initiative
  • Gather ideas, critics, and opinions from the community to make POI better
  • Initiated local chapter OSM community in Indonesia


Date  : Saturday, 5 November 2022

Time  : 08.00 AM – 05.00 PM Jakarta Tiem (UTC +7)

Venue  : GRAND WIJAYA BALLROOM – 2nd Floor

Hotel Grandhika Iskandarsyah, Jakarta Selatan (Hybrid)

Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.65, Melawai, Kby. Baru,

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta



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