Analysis of Food Security Areas in East Java 2023

Food security is the condition of food availability for the state to individuals, which is reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, evenly distributed, and affordable and does not conflict with religion, beliefs, and culture of the community, to be able to live healthy, active, and productively in a sustainable manner (UU No. 18/2012). This food security significantly impacts social, economic, and environmental welfare. One of Indonesia’s provinces with a strong food security index is Central Java, with a food security index score of 82.95.

Indonesia Food Security Index by province 


We try to analyze food security in a simple way in districts/cities in Central Java by using data available on OpenStreetMap, such as markets (marketplaces), agricultural areas, livestock, and plantations.

The main variable in this analysis is the marketplace. In addition to the marketplace variable, other variables are needed such as livestock areas, plantations, and ponds. After downloading the data for all these variables in OpenStreetMap, it will then be analyzed using population density data.

The results of the analysis of the four variables with population density, it show that the market plays an important role in ensuring the availability of food resources for local residents. Within a distance of 11 KM, Pacitan and Bondowoso Regencies have a higher level of food security than others.

This case study covers a regional scope that tries to see how the availability of several facilities that support food distribution activities and food security sources whose data is in OpenStreetMap such as marketplaces, agricultural areas, livestock, and gardens. In the future, POI will continue to try to provide examples of the use of OSM data based on scientific principles in order to promote OSM as a free and open source of spatial data in Indonesia.

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